Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Last night's dream was extremely segmented. There were at least 4 dreams, but I can only remember three of them.  So this post will be quite lengthy.  If you only read one, read the last one.  It was my favorite of the three (and it has pictures because I wasn't sure how many people would be familiar with some of the nerd terms).

#1 - Paranoid Wife
The first one was short, and it was a “sensual” dream about me and hubby.  For this reason, I choose not to divulge the details, except one.  At the end of this dream, I awoke abruptly and turned as asked hubby if he had said something.  Either his sleep talking snuck into my brain, or I dreamed it, but I heard him say “I feel so guilty.”

Paranoid dreams are not uncommon for me.

#2 - Coming of Age
In this dream, I’m not quite sure how to convey the perspective.  I was a puppy.  But not really a puppy.  More like I was playing a video game where I was a puppy.  But without the video game part.

Anyway… the puppy (me, kinda) is a miniature dachshund.  I’m with three other tiny puppies, and we are running our butts off to get to this house.  We cross a busy intersection and I, quite heroicly, dart this way and that to herd the puppies in the right direction.

We arrive at a house on the outskirts of town with a sprawling lawn and a gravel driveway.  At some point, I’m human again.  I’m also in a bikini and sitting on a metal patio lounger on a wooden porch.  The other puppies are also human, but they are teenage girls.  We are sitting around with two parents and some other miscellaneous siblings. 

I’m sitting next to someone’s brother when a hornet comes out of the fence from behind me.  I absolutely lose it.  I’m bent over, eyes clenched shut, and squealing.  “I’m allergic to wasps!” I yelp.  Then I apologize for squealing.  Someone ushers me in my completely terrified state to the indoors, where I proceed to lay on the ground in their living room.

So I’m laying on the floor and thinking, ‘If those parents saw my tattoos, they’ll ask how old I am.  If they ask how old I am, they’ll think I’m like a predator or bad influence or something.  Shit.  Wait, why am I hanging out with 16 year olds in the first place?’

#3 - Nerd Fest
Yoshi Egg
This one starts out with me in mid-quest!  I’m outdoors, but the sky is dark. There is lava below, flowing through moats that wind all around the castle.  I’m scaling the large castle steps in search of two things: a thing that looks like a Nerf football, and a Yoshi egg.  Much of the dream consists of this.  Yes, I did find both.

So I take my two items up to the very top of those wide castle steps.  At the very top is a chain-link fence standing about 12 feet high.  Beyond the gate is a empty stone courtyard.  First, I throw the Nerf ball thing over the gate.  Next, the Yoshi egg.  I’m absolutely horrified when the Yoshi egg cracks, and spills yolk all over the floor.  I do my best to climb the fence to examine the Yoshi egg.  However, when I turn around, there are two Yoshis standing there, awaiting command. They’ve also fixed the football, which had become a little worse for wear, by molding some super special magical metal over one side.

Cut screen to the two Yoshis holding either end of the biggest slingshot you’ve ever seen.  I have to place one of those blocks from the original Mario games in the center, and fling it to a stage that is at least 200 yards away.  The game rules are that you have to place a flag on the block and hit the corresponding flag on the stage via slingshot.  It is immensely difficult, and I fail.  It doesn’t even come close to the stage.  So I collapse on my back and give up.

Cut screen again to me entering a tower of a different kind of castle.  Instead of cobblestone, this is solid stone or maybe plaster.  Inside is an impossible maze with hundreds of room and hundreds of corridors and all of them can move to a different part of the castle tower at any time.  The rooms look like something out of a Tim Burton movie, and the people are seriously creepy.  They might be undead.
Mario block
My brain interpreted this tower as something out of Harry Potter, but I’ve never read the books or seen the movies so I don’t know why it though it could assume such things.

So I’m reveling in the futility of even trying to escape the maze when I look down at my wedding ring, and see that the center diamond is missing.  My stomach does a somersault and I panick.  For the rest of the dream, I go through the tower, yelling out for my mom.

Conclusions: I'm a paranoid, puppy-loving, hornet-hating, aging nerd who loves my mother and worries too much.  Hhaha.

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