Monday, December 7, 2015

Supeer(natural) Hero(ine)

I don't remember much from this one, but I'll do my best.
As a side note, I've had memorable, vivid dreams during every nighttime sleep and every nap.  I don't know what has brought it on, though.

Starting from where I remember, I'm in a two-story house that is seemingly unoccupied.  The furnishings are antique, and everything appears in shades of grey and lackluster blue.  I'm attempting to escape from the supernatural beings/monsters that are inside.
Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore

Once outside, I learn of a rumor that Damon (Ian Somerhalder from "The Vampire Diaries") has betrayed and thus seriously offended my brother, Ben.  I do not have a brother named Ben, nor did Damon do anything to offend this mystery sibling.  I'm seriously conufsed at the accusations, and panic as Ben has placed a bounty on Damon's head.  

The supernatural villians from within the house trickle out, all of them after Damon.  I order him to get behind me, with the intent of protecting him.  Snarling, menacing creatures approach, but dare not harm me to get to him.  I see people I once knew, now turned to vampires and other supernatural beings, their faces darkened with gothic makeup.  Damon stays close behind me.  So close that I can feel him pressing against my back.

I warily make my way through the string of villians, and end up back in my living room.  Damon pours me one of his bottles of booze, brown and fragrant like in the show, into two tumblers and hands one to me.  We sit on my couch together, and I take a swig.  I cough and make a face, describing to him how awful the taste is.  I'm anxious and figety, wondering if I should tell him that I'm in love with him.

I'm not legitimately in love with the fictional character of Damon Salvatore, nor the real life actor that is Ian Somerhalder.  It is true, however, that I find him mightily scrumptious - he's one of my favorite TV actors.

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