Monday, September 9, 2013

Comic Con Extravaganza

I didn't have the opportunity to write this dream down after waking up, so it's a bit fuzzier.  Consequently, it is also a lot shorter.

I was with hubby at the biggest comic con I've ever seen.  It was so massive, it took up an entire complex with multiple wings and all.  We had a small hotel room in the comic con complex, even.  It was a very small room, which is no big deal as the dream didn't take place in there.

There are two main aspects I remember.  The first was the wristwatches.  At comic cons you get those little paper bracelets that prove you've paid and you're legit.  At this one, they gave you G.I. Joe-looking wristwatches that were super tricked out.  If you pulled out a dial on the top and twisted it, you could match your watch's frequency with another person's.  That way, when you inevitably lose your friend in the massive maze of this comic con, you can press a button on the lower part of your watch face to find them.  Upon pressing the button on the bottom, a green LCD arrow projects from the top of the watch to point you in the direction of your friend.

I've gotta say, I'd totally buy that watch.

The other main aspect is the parade.  Most comic cons have a costume contest in the evening after all other festivities.  THIS comic con had a PARADE.  It was killer.  All of the cosplayers were grouped into the appropriate categories, and walked in the parade.  All of the Spiderman cosplayers were together, all the Batman ones, all Captain Americas (and there were a LOT of those) walked together....  There was even a giant transformer that walked in the center of all of the Transformers cosplayers.  It was seriously epic.

The rest of it has mostly fallen away at this point.  However, I'm starting to notice a chronic "getting lost in a maze-like structure" theme throughout a troubling amount of my dreams.....

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