Saturday, September 7, 2013

Prison High School & the Psychedelic Acid Bar

Apparently last nights dream had me doing a lot of talking in my sleep.  Hubby tried to wake me up to ask me what I was dreaming about (on the premise that being abruptly woken mid-dream helps one remember the dream).  Apparently I mumbled "I don't know," and fell back asleep.

So that leads me to believe that last night I had multiple dreams because I couldn't think of how me saying "That's very good" would fit into the dream I remember.

This dream starts with me back in my old high school….
Before I continue, high school dreams are a recurring theme for me.  They always take place in my old high school and I am always my current age.
Anyway I’m at EHS, but it’s noticeably more dilapidated with dingy walls and colors not as bright as they used to be.  I’m myself, but I’m a hard-ass (which is unusual for my high school dreams).

I don’t remember much about the beginning, except for swimming in the school pool (which my real school never had) for gym class.  I get out of the pool to go to my gym locker and change back into school clothes.  I walk towards the maze of lockers and begin to feel out-of-place and insecure.  Not because I’m 26 and in high school (which happens in my normal high school dreams), but because I feel like the new kid.  I don’t know any of these smirking faces. Everyone is clustered into little groups of two or three friends, and I meander past them.  I’ve forgotten where my locker is, but I know I’m walking in the right direction.

I’m nearing a dead end in the maze of lockers when I see two people I recognize.  It is Taystee and Nicky from the Netflix series Orange is the New Black. I’m relieved to see them. Not because I know them very well, but because it means I’ve found my locker.

Cut scene to me sitting on the floor with Taystee and Nicky and several other random people.  We’re in an old musty classroom that adjoins to someone’s office.  The door between the two rooms is covered with colored paper and decorated.  It reminds me of the door-decorating contests in school, but more depressing as the paper has yellowed and designs have obscured beyond recognition.  Everyone is talking and being social when I start to lose it.

I’ve realized that I’m in prison for a year.  But that is not the upsetting part.  The upsetting part, as it is currently September, is that I won’t be with my husband for our 1 year anniversary.  I start crying.  And I won’t be out in time for Halloween.  I’m hysterical and screaming by this point.  And I won’t be out for Valentine’s Day!

And then I woke up.

 The psychedelic restaurant and Leave-It-To-Beaver style family dream came to me while napping.

I’m in a bustling metropolitan city.  Well, that is to say, it is bustling everywhere except where I seem to be. It’s either in Florida or New York, the feeling switches throughout the dream. I’m with my family (my mother, father, and half-brother) and their enormous canine.  He must be a Great Dane mutt by the sheer size of him.  We’re spending the day in the city on this leg of our trip.  First things first, though.  They are going to run errands and see some sights, and I’m going to go to this event that I won a ticket to through some contest.

So I part ways with the fam at a large, deserted building that looks it could be a slightly outdated office complex.  It stands next to a large empty parking lot. I walk up the few shiny black steps to the front doors, and wander into the wide open empty lobby.

As I walk further into the building I somehow know which way to go, and pass through a set of unassuming wooden doors.  The hallway is as business-like and dilapidated as the rest of the building.  It curves ever so slightly to the left.  With every step, the hallway gets darker, and the thumping bass grows louder.  Eventually, the hallway gives way to a large bowling alley.

All of the lights are off, except for neon strobe lights and an amazing number of blacklights.  I’m the last to arrive, as everyone is seated around a white, illuminated U-shaped bar.  They are talking and laughing and very obviously not here to bowl.  I take a seat at the last chrome-framed barstool, and William Sharner appears at the open end of the U.  He starts talking about the event and stuff, but I can’t really hear him over the thumping club music.

I’m seated next to a pretty brunette who is there with her date and a chubby black man wearing dark aviator sunglasses.  I can’t tell what everyone else looks like, because the black lights and colored strobe lights make everyone look like something out of an acid trip.  My head starts spinning and I start feeling and acting like I’m severely intoxicated, rocking to and fro on my stool.  There are dancers that look like they are made from the darkness with color-changing neon lines accentuating the curves of their bodies.

Bizarre waiters that all look identical start serving food to the far ends of the U-shaped bar.  William Shatner throws M&M’s at us. The food is taking forever to makes it way to where I am sitting. 

“Why are you looking at me like that?” the brunette girl asks.
“Legally blind,” I reply, waving my hands very emphatically around my face. “So I’m not even really looking at you so don’t worry about it.” She and the man sitting on the other side of me laugh hysterically.  I look down the bar and the waiters have stopped serving.  Girls dressed like psychedelic milk maids giggle and throw pink sugar all over the bar. The waiters bring out O-shaped pastries with some red fruit filling, and set them in the sugar in front of each person.

I’m about to fall off of my stool or say something incredibly stupid, so I say “I need some fresh air,” to no one in particular.  I rush out of the bowling alley, through the lobby, and outside.  I collapse on the sidewalk, and see my family and the enormo-dog across the street on the opposing sidewalk.  Unable to speak, I urgently wave them over.  They fail to notice me, so I make a kissing sound at the dog, which sends him, and ultimately my family, galloping my way.

The family happily crosses to where I am crumpled, smiling down at me, all talking at me.  Something about seeing my aunt and uncle and both my cousins at one place and the running in to them all over again at another place…  The Great Dane stands over me, but I can’t reach his chest to push him away because it is more than arms length away.

Before I can catch my breath to say anything, they’re smiling and waving and crossing the street.  I gather myself back up, and walk back inside.  Brunette and Aviators are standing outside the wooden door to the bowling alley.  They walk in through the doors with me, as I explain to them how strange it is that everything is all “Normal hallway, normal hallway, normal hallway, TOTALLY NOT NORMAL….”

I return to my barstool, eat my pastry (which has fallen apart), and the dream ends.

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