Monday, December 16, 2013

Trio of Unrelated Randomness

Wednesday, 10-16-13
Three really random, pointless dreams.

#1 – Future NYC

Third-person perspective.  A man finds himself in the city of New York.  His year is 2013 but he has somehow ended up in the far off future.  He wanders into a very classy café that encompasses the entire floor of a skyscraper.  All of the walls are windows and you can see virtually the entire futuristic version of NYC.  He spots his wife at a nearby table.  He attempts to talk to her – he is so relieved that she is here.  It’s all so confusing.  But the doppelganger does not know who he is.  His hopes fall.  He call tell that something is different about this woman.  It is not just that this is the future and that she does not know him.  Something is off about her.

#2 – Murder House

A young boy is in his upstairs bedroom at an old 1800’s style farmhouse.  He has a suitcase on his bed and is frantically packing things into it.  Both of his parents have died, and a sinster man of ominous, but as of yet unknown, origin is coming for him.

Several years later, the house has been converted into a bed and breakfast.  Hubby and I are staying there, in what used to be the little boy’s room.

The story of the little boy is revealed to me but unseen forces.  It started with the sinister man bringing the little boy’s demented doppelganger over from another realm.  The doppelganger viciously slaughtered the parents while they were sleeping.  For days on end thereafter, he proceeded to disrespect the corpses, toying with them.

#3 – A Hippie with Cats
I am walking the streets in a town of gray.  It is cloudy and gloomy, but everything looks as if it has turned a little gray in sympathy with the sky.  I am dressed in a flowy linen blouse and a long, billowing hippie skirt and I am carrying the smaller of my two cats.  Sephi is a gray tabby, probably the runt of t he litter, with a very long tail.  (Factual, not just dream state).

Sephi (gray) and Percy (orange)
Despite the overcast nature of the sky, I am uncomfortably lacquered with sweat.  It is much too hot outside.  Sephi must be feeling the heat as well – I need to get her some water.  I am only several blocks from home, so I head that way.  To get there more quickly, I take a short cut through the inside of a Steak ‘N Shake (which is most definitely not near my home in real life).  I pass through the expansive dining area and the many patrons, through the dingy bathroom, and into another separate section of the Steak ‘N Shake.

I’m not getting home quickly enough, so I hop a ride in a van with various other hippie types.  We drive for a bit before the van stops at a large, grassy RV park.  The van’s dysfunctional parking break leaves us sliding and rolling all over the park, trying to hold a spot.  We end up finding a nice, deep divot in the knoll into which we wedge the van.  We step out into the giant puddle that has collected in this particular divot.  At this point I seem to have both of my cats with me, so I let Percy and Sephi out to use the Port-A-Potty style litter box.  I entrust Percy, my older and bigger orange tabby, to a fellow van hippie.  Percy is a bit of an escape artist, and the van hippie looses him in the process of shuttling him to the litter box.  I procced to chase Percy down. 

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