Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hey, Macarena!

Thursday, 10-17-13
The Macarena girl (picture her
without all that foundation and not
making a derp face)

In a nearly empty parking lot, the girl from the Macarena music video and her skeezy looking boyfriend are sitting in his pick-up truck.  He starts to put the moves on her, but she isn’t having it.  She pushes him away, but he is not taking no for an answer.  From out of nowhere, she pulls out a gun and shoots the boyfriend before escaping the truck and running off.

I’m above the city in a helicopter, and I take matters into my own hands.  The boyfriend is still alive, so I remote pilot his truck towards the hospital.  The truck is speeding to the hospital and I’m trying my best to keep it in line with traffic laws, but the cops pull over the vehicle before I can get it to the hospital.  I know that the authorities will make sure he gets to the hospital when they see his condition, so I abandon ship and let them take care of it.

There was a second dream involving Wal-Mart, a flirty single dad and an adorable little girl with cornrows, but I can't remember enough detail, even after reading my notes.  So just the one.

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