Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Party & Catholic Maze Cave

Wednesday night, 10-9
(logged on my phone – catching up again)

#1 Party
Another dream involving Jett.  This time, she takes me to party. It is nighttime, and we have parked her extended cab pick-up truck down the road from a very large, brightly lit house.  It is outside of town, with no neighbors for miles around.  I can tell immediately that the partygoers are people from her kind of crowd rather than mine.  I know no one.

We stand beside her truck on the wet grass next to the road.  She is talking to a couple of other partygoers while I stand slightly outside their conversational circle but say nothing. I see someone come out of the darkness and sneak in to her truck through the rear cab doors.  When I alert Jett to the intruder, her look is one of annoyance and disappointment.  She sternly reprimands me, telling me that by telling her, I may have offended the intruder.

Once in the house, I wander around on my own.  In the center of the house is a huge open air courtyard.  Everything is white, yet the pool lights give everything an aquamarine tint of color.  Cups and booze and pool toys and clothes are scattered everywhere. On the right side of the pool is an extra wide, curved white staircase.  It takes me quite some time to climb the stairs as I keep losing my e-cig and have to backtrack to look for it.  I reach the top landing to find a sharp contrast to the courtyard below – this area is roofed and carpeted.  There are only three doors off the small, dim hallway.  From behind one of the doors, I can hear a man vomiting.  I duck into another bathroom beside it.

#2 - Lost in Catholic Maze Cave

It may seem strange, but as it is a recurring element in my dreams, I have gotten used to it.  I often find myself driving a car (steering, pedals and all) from the backseat.  The physics of it don’t make any sense, but it happens nonetheless.  That’s how this dream starts.  My husband is along for the ride, fast asleep.  We’re cruising along the highway in an urban area.  I’m not sure where I was heading, but I have a definite destination in mind.  That’s how I realize that I am unfamiliar with the roads around me.  I attempt to regain my bearings before concluding that I am hopelessly lost.

I take the next exit off of the highway so that I can wake up my husband and find our way.  I pull into the next, most accessible park lot that I find.  Hubby and I wander across the large square parking lot into an architechturally beautifully Catholic church. There is no one around, and we get the sense that we are most likely not supposed to be inside.  We turn around to go back to the lobby and out the car… but the lobby continues to curve to the left rather than lead straight forward as it did before. Realizing the futility of going in a circle, we take a corridor on our right.

The hallway has lead us into a maze of more corridors.  We can’t turn back and resort to the circular lobby, so we press through the maze together.  The scenery gives way from classic Catholic church marble and stone, evolving through a miasma of different dimensions.  We eventually find ourselves creeping warily up blocky concrete stairs in what looks like a parking garage.  People are littered all over the steps.  Most are unsavory characters of questionable profession and obviously homeless individuals, the latter of whom are mostly passed out.

At the top of the stairs it looks more like a dilapidated stone monastery.  We come across an observer (a fictional breed of human from the show Fringe) who is badly scarred across his face and entire body.  He is mute, unclothed, and visibly vulnerable.  I coax him into finding a way out with us.Find scarred observer. We trek through more maze areas before we find a room off of balcony filled with other observers.  I point out to our mute friend that the people in the room look like him, and urge him to join them.

After this point, the maze devolves into a single corridor with adjoining corridors.  The shallow steps on the floor before us twist and turn – up ahead the stairs can be seen curving to the point that they creep up the wall.  In a different hallway (of normal physics) dead ends in a T-shape.  To the left is small tunnel of dirt and stone.  To the right is a paneled wooden door that has been left open several inches.  I cautiously approach the door and peer behind it.  There is a room behind the door that I quickly recoil from.  Something is off.  I call out for Hubby. He is nowhere to be found.  I fly into a panic, and scuttle down the left tunnel, calling for him.

The tunnel lets out into a wide open area inside of a cave.  The tunnel opening, now behind me, is set in a seemingly endless wall of stone.  Another cave wall is set parallel to this one, some 100 yards away.  A great cavern separates the two walls.  I cannot see the cavern floor – only black.The wall opposite me also has a tunnel opening, lower than the one I emerged from.  The tunnels are connected by a wide, splintered wooden staircase.  This staircase has no railings and no supports.  It seems to just be perched between the two walls.

But the stairs themselves are covered in antique trinkets.
  I descend the stairs, slowly picking up trinkets as I go.  Part of the way down, I find a strange square shaped panel in the middle of the stiars.  When I slide the panel back, I find a clue.  Instinctively, I know that if I slide back more panels and put together all of the clues, I will discover the true way out.

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