Saturday, January 18, 2014

Witchy Woman

Saturday, 10-26-13

My husband and I are living in a haunted house.  A little bit of Poltergeist mixed with American Horror Story.  And the man playing my husband in the dream isn’t my real-life actual husband, just some stand-in.  Anywa.  Under the influence of the mischievious spirits, my husband murders me.  He does so by hatching an escape plan when the house is hot with supernatural activity.  He has rigged a clothesline from the second story window to the carport in the back of the house so that it now works much like a zip-line.  As I am careening from our window to the carport, I am impaled by lots of spiky objects. 

So now I’m dead, but the dream continues because I am now one super pissed off spirit.  My clothes are tattered and my face is all scarred up.  I linger in our backyard, but my prescnese is bound to the shadows.  I lurk in the shade from our big oak tree and find that I can hover above the ground.  With a little more effort, I discover that I can fly/float through the air.  I bide my time and practice my flying techniques.  At this point I’m beginning to look quite like a witch.

Nightfall finally arrives, and I am free from the shadows.  I fly freely all around my neighborhood.  I eventually find myself at the first house I ever lived in (from birth until about 2nd grade). The current residents have remodeled the design of the house dramatically.  The front of the house looks more like a hotel.  There is a lot of glass, straight lines, and neutral colors.  I fly around to the side of the house.  Half of the exterior wall is floor to ceiling glass.  Hovering above the door, I sneak inside the house when the owner arrives home.

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