Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Animal Magic

2-4-14 nap
A bulldog entity, perhaps a spirit or deity of some sort, is disguised as Snow White. She flies through the air with a decapitated man, conversing with his living head.  She tosses his head in a dark cobalt river where nuns in gray wash clothes.  Further down the river, she drops his body.

In a stone courtyard, a tiny squirrel finds a couple of acorns. A man come up and takes one acorn. The squirrel is holding another above his head. The man tells squirrel he will help him with his acorns.  This makes the squirrel immensely happy.  The man runs off behind the stone wall, going the long way. The squirrel takes a shorter way. They both run until they’ve reached a cottage.

There are four men in all.  The one with book tells other that he found the words. “It is said like toe,” he says.  The man examines his foot. The secret words are ‘though’ and ‘toe.’ The squirrel is outside, running around in the yard. The man tries whispering the chant through an open window. When nothing happens, he tries louder and louder. The squirrel is making lots of chirping noises. The chant is still not working. The man exits the cottage through the front door, chanting louder, trying different variations of the wording:
“Woe ere but art a toe
Woe you are but a toe
Woe ere are a toe
Though, ere art a toe!
With those last five words, the squirrel shapeshifts into a wolf, convulsing. The wolf is laying on ground, it’s ice blue eyes wide.  The four men stand watch.  The man who canted says that he thinks it is working.  The others are wary of the wolf, and don’t let him get too close.

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