Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bees, The Elderly, and Dendrite-Heads

Friday 9/13 Dream

Another three parter.  The first two are short, though.  However not a one of them is necessarily what I'd consider a "good" dream.

#1 - BEES!
I’m in the city on a sunny fall day.  It looks like somewhat like the Harvard campus.  I am out doing touristy things and walking around with my mom and Pawe. Suddenly, there is a panic around us, with people fleeing in every direction.  It looks like the instigators of the panic are several bees.  Before we can flee, one bee stings me in the middle of my forehead right beneath my hairline. 

My mother puts an arm around me, and we hurry down several flights of brick stiars into a well-lit brick corridor.  I am sobbing uncontrollably due to both immense pain and sheer panic.  My mother is trying desperately to comfort me as we hunker down in the corridor.

#2 - Damn Elderly Hooligans
I am at home, looking out of the front windows of the house from my bedroom.  I see something that upsets me, so I exit my front door to confirm my suspicions.  Sure enough!  I stand on my sidewalk, hands on my hips, and incredibly indignant.  The elderly couple next door are having some sort of party and their stupid old friends have parked their cars in MY yard!

The Charmed Ones
#3 - The Charmed Ones vs. The Dendrite-Heads
This dream had a post-apocalyptic feel to it.  Everything was dim, dingy and devoid of hope.  However, I was one of the Halliwell sisters from the show “Charmed” (Phoebe Halliwell, the youngest…. Until the later seasons when she is then the middle sister).  Anyhow, I am Phoebe (in picture - the one on the right) and I’m with the other two sisters, Piper (the one on the left in pic) and Prue (the one in the middle of pic).  We are entering a large, old cathedral that has long since been abandoned.

The monster we encounter is humanoid, with regular parts and appendages from the neck down.  The head, however, looks like a giant pastel blue nerve cell with the dendrites waving around like overgrown tentacles.  They turn towards us upon our entrance, and we immediately flee to the upstairs of the cathedral.

Unfortunately there are dendrite-heads upstairs, along with panicked civilians.  The are infecting the civilians by sneezing a fine dust at them.  When the victims inhale this dust, they begin to convulse violently before collapsing, experiencing rapid tissue degeneration, and turning slightly blue (as if they were frozen to death).  Their heads detatch from their corpses and melt through the floor as if made of hydrochloric acid, and a dendrite-head springs from the empty neck of the corpse.
Cell body & Dendrite (in real life)

We fight several of the dendrite-heads to the best of our ability before we are outnumbered and forced to retreat from the cathedral.

Pru and I are running down the dilapidated streets of the decaying city.  I’m following behind her, and she keeps hurriedly glancing back, over my shoulder.  She pushes past two people shambling down the sidewalk.  As she does, they turn to face her and, from either side, spit a spray of blue goo at her face.  Her arms fly up in the hair and she topples to the sidewalk.

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