Sunday, September 15, 2013


Last night’s dream was actually quite enjoyable.  I’m always pleased when waking up after a fun, imaginative dream.  More often than not, I see these dreams from a third-person vantage point.  It always feels like watching a movie or playing a video game. The fact that this dream was so vibrant in color and slightly sci-fi/fantasy-oriented makes it all the more entertaining to me.

I am a young woman with stringy blond hair and I’m dressed like a street kid.  Imagine a cross between Kristen Stewart and an early Kirsten Dunst (not a conscious decision on my part, I assure you).  I am standing in lush green grass surrounded by cherry blossom trees.  There is a busy street somewhere off to my right.  A tall, middle-aged Chinese man in a tan suit stands before me.  His hands are folded behind him, his hair is graying at his temples, and his face is kind but stern.  His expression remains stoic.  He is conveying to me that it is of vast importance that I go to a certain place.  I don’t know why or where, but I obey.

It is suddenly night time in the outskirts of a city.  The landscape is a mix of gently rolling wooded hills and run-down parking lots with chain-link fences.  I am outdoors in what looks like a skate park, but also contains a structure that looks like a McDonald’s “PlayPlace” playground.  This playground, however, is much less whimsical as it is made from concrete and steel and is rather expansive.  Teenagers and young adults are laughing and goofing off all around me.  They are running and jumping and tumbling, but something is very, very different.

As the run and jump and tumble, these people turn into a mass of tiny, colorful spheres at any given point in time.  One person runs from another, then leaps to hurdle an obstacle, and turns to a flying streak of silver spheres in mid-air.  Each person has only one color into which they can transform at will.  The mass of spheres can take any shape.  A rushing arc leaping over a barrier, a collection of tendrils snaking across the ground, a finely spread mist, a puddle… 

The only way I can think to describe of it now, after the fact, is that it was like they transformed into millions of tiny Bucky balls.  Magnetic spheres that stick together but can be molded into numerous shapes.  Paint-gun Bucky Balls, of a sort.  That is the best description I can muster.

A young man with wild black hair is there to receive me.  He is tall and thin and dressed all in black.  His face is kind and carefree.  He whisks me around his world giving me explanations and showing me the way the spheres work.  His color is a silvery black, the color of hematite.

Dark Purple
Hematite takes me to his comrade of a deep purple color.  Purple looks similar to hematite in dress and coiffure, but he is much more serious and his experiences have hardened his features (he looks similar to Zack Fair from FF VII).  He explains the color sphere phenomenon to me in very technical terms.  There is a secret facility in this world that those with the color sphere ability can go to in order to trigger their abilities.  Those with the ability to color shift have within them a specific frequency of a sort of refracted light.  Everyone has a frequency, but only those with the right frequency can trigger their innate abilities.

Bright Red
Not everyone is as welcoming as hematite and dark purple.  We stop near a shady drinking establishment with motorcycles lining the front of the parking lot.  At most places, I am simply unwelcome as I am a regular person.  I am not one of them.  But I’ve had my hematite escort to protect me and whisk me away from danger.  Here, though, the patrons are more aggressive.  A girl with a tall red faux-hawk with red make-up is dressed in all black leather except for a bright red shirt (she kind of looks like Paine from FF X-2).  She sneers at me menacingly and approaches me, glaring at me through the top of her eyes.  She attacks in a frenzy of red before I even know what’s going on.  I’m being pulverized in the biker girl’s sea of red when soft tendrils envelop me and I drift away.

When I come to, I am laying in an ethereal lilac pool of clear water.  Everything is bright, but soft.  Sea-green lines speckle the water along with pastel purple lotuses.  The tendrils that came to my rescue and deposited me in this pool of meditation belong to a woman sitting beside me.  Her color is clearly lavender.  Her long flowing locks are the color of lilacs, and her pale face has an ever so slight tint of lavender.  She emits a maternal aura of peace.

All Color
I have not put all of the pieces together.  Patched together all of my experiences and all of the subliminal subtext so that I understand.  The Chinese man in the tan suit was a man of color spheres all along.  His color was the light tan of his suit.  He sent me here intentionally; he knew what he was doing the whole time.  He sent me with a purpose.  What the Chinese man had known was that I was the prophesized uniter of the color sphere people and of regular people.  That I was different because I needed no trigger to bring forth my color and my abilities because I am both color sphere and normal.   The only trigger I needed was knowledge and will.  And unlike all other color sphere people, I am every color.

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