Friday, September 20, 2013

Mish-Mash In & Out

So the following dreams are from Wednesday night.  I groggily jotted down details after waking up from a series of dreams.  After writing slightly understandable notes, I fell back asleep.  I have slept several times since then, and dreams get foggier and foggier the longer I wait to write them in detail.  I’ll do my best to reconstruct the dreams from my note reminders, but it will unfortunately not be as awesome as it should be.

#1 Beautiful B&E 
An actual Google "street view" of
historic district in my town
One part of the dream involves hubby and I breaking and entering into a lovely 2-story Victorian.  It looked like the big historic houses down in the older part of town.  We enter into the front parlor to tinker around.  I become fascinated with the ethereal contents of a small closet.  Without taking anything, we leave the house.

We cross a lush green yard to a smaller 1-story Victorian that sits less than 50 yards from the house.  It is a miniaturized version of the home we were just in and serves as a guest house.  

This is where things become fuzzier, and my notes just say “3tf person says creepy.”  I don’t know or remember what that means.

#2 Adulterer 
At some point a revelation occurs to me in the dream.  I realize that hubby’s parents are royalty – the king and queen.

The scene and characters change.  Now I’m in a sparsely decorated bachelor pad with high ceilings.  I’m sitting on a well-worn leather sofa with several other people.  I’m engaged to my ex-boyfriend from college, but am relaying to my friends on the couch that I have had a torrid love affair with Jacoby (who looks like a combo of Blair Redford and Taylor Lautner) as well as a lesbian affair with a dark-haired girl.

The next sub-dream I remember a bit more of.  Perhaps it is because I have a lot of dreams within the same vein.  That vein being confusion and panic.

#3 - Phone Theives 
The environment is a busier version of Greek Row from my undergrad days.  The sidewalks are packed with so many people walking to and fro that it looks like a piece was cut out of NYC.  All around me are cell phone thieves.  I see them conning and pick-pocketing dozens of people as they walk by.  I decide to go elsewhere.

Yellow Samsung
Not I’m underground in a subway station that is just as packed with people as Greek Row was.  I start walking through the throngs of people and grab for my phone, probably to call hubby.  I pull out my cell, and my pink iPhone has been replaced with a monstrous yellow Samsung touch screen behemoth.  I’m not familiar with the buttons and controls, but I discover that the ID pictures next to the names in her top contacts are all smiling, obsess black women.

I go to the phone’s touch screen keypad to manually dial hubby.  The first three numbers of his cell are 344.  Every time I press “4,” the phone’s display types out a “2.”  I try over and over again to get the “4” button to output a “4.”

I’ve given up on the phone.  I can’t call hubby, so I’ll have to walk to somewhere.  Home or a friend’s house or something.  I’ve left the subway tunnel and am walking through a city in the freezing cold.  Snow covers the ground.  It is the hard kind of snow that has been salted and plowed and then sat in freezing temperatures for days.  The cold is crippling, and I’m trying my best to make it across the bridge, past the parking lot, and indoors to a big Catholic church that stands in the distance.

I don’t even make it past the bridge.  I collapse on the frozen sidewalk that lines the bridge.  Eventually, a red-headed man with a thick Irish accent approaches my little black puddle of shivering bones.  He has come from the Catholic church.  He’s standing over me and wants to help.  At this point in the dream my mind gives me bits and pieces, fragments, as if I am going in and out of consciousness.  A cabby pulls up to the curb where I’m huddled.  I manage to say “I’m in Alton,” (both in the dream and out loud in real life).

Talking in my sleep has woken me slightly, but my mind refuses to be denied of saying what it wanted to say.  Lingering in between dream-state and consciousness, I say “I live in [my town]*…”

#4 - Snow Wandering 
Ambered Quarantine Zone
Once I’ve delved back into dream land, I’m still outside in the cold and the frozen snow, but it is now dark outside.  I’m on my feet and I’m back in my town.  I’m out here because my co-worker, Taar, called me.  She needs me to amber a quarantine zone.

I start walking to go amber the place, but the cold has become even more severe now that the sun has gone down.  I turn back to return home.  On my walk back, I’m carefully walking the sidewalk down a hill and I see my friend Pawe at the bottom of the hill.  She is very drunk and has her thumb stuck out, attempting to hitchhike.  When I get to the bottom of the hill, I put my arm around her and tell her I’m taking her home with me.  She doesn’t put up a fuss, but shows a drunken enthusiasm upon seeing me.  She’s especially excited that we are wearing the same shirt.

We begin walking, but Pawe has decided to leave her shoes behind.  On our trek, we cross paths with some super skeevy perverts with whom Pawe engages in conversation.  I steer her past them and shoot them dirty looks.

End of snowy dream sequence, my mind creates a single dream thought: “Orange is The New Black is now showing on Starz instead of Netflix….”

#5 - Super Monster Fighting Heroes! 
And then into a new dream.  It is the end of days as a horrifying creature is terrorizing Earth!  When I first see him, he looks kind of like Ickis from “Aaahh!! Real Monsters” (an old Nickolodeon cartoon).  Except he has spiraling rows of razor-sharp teeth.  Also, he shape shifts, growing larger and grosser at will.  Just to prove his amazing monster powers, he eats an orca in one gulp in front of a huge stadium of people.

I am part of a task force to rid the world of this evil and his minions!  I’m decked out in super futuristic military gear, my armored outfit all silver and black.  I have a helmet with super fancy tech, so everything I see looks like a video game with scales and focus circles and stuff.

I start my mission with other militaristic comrades, and we’re flying over the river that runs through the city (not in a plane or anything, just in our super cool suits).  It is night out, but that doesn’t stop us with our uber-tech!  I am shooting minions left and right with a big-ass gun and some pretty massive bullets.  I’m sprialling through the air, I’m aiding comrades, I’m putting my life on the line for mankind!

My team stops in the back yards of a suburban part of town to regroup.  They’re talking and planning and goofing off.  I’m playing around with my oversized gun.  That’s when I discover that I can shoot horizontal rays of finely focused fire.  The rays are about 2-3 feet across and continuous.

We continue our mission in a small mall.  Minions are everywhere!  Civilians scatter and dive for cover as we fly in all bad-ass and mow down minions.  I turn to flame one that is on a support beam, but I’m out of ammo.  I’m not sure I know how to reload the super-tech gun of awesomeness.  I fly down into a dimly lit corridor, and find a dispenser in the wall.  When I pull down the hatch, it dispenses several hair curlers of different colors one right after the other.  A couple of my comrades have come to hide out in the corridor as well.  I dispense the hair-roller ammo bits depending on what color my comrades say they need. 

I tend to have these multi-dreams all rolled into one more often than not.  And it tends to be that the last of the sub-dreams is the most fun.

*for obvious reasons, I don’t want to disclose where I live.  I didn’t actually say “my town.”

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