Monday, October 7, 2013

Being Emo, Wharf-rats & Going Insane

Wednesday night - October 2nd
(I'm catching up from being in New Orleans and being computerless)

#1 - Emo Episode

My residence is the shoddy wood-floored attic of some building.  The rafters are exposed, the ceilings are high and slanted, the furnishings are minimal.  I'm balled up on the floor, sobbing my eyes out.  I'm seriously depressed and shaking I'm sobbing so hard.

My roommate scoffs at me, thinking my complete and utter demise is just a charade.  For no good reason, this upsets me even further.  I try desperately to convince him that I am in severe emotional pain and that my tears are genuine despair.

He goes even further by accusing me of turning the TV off and on, over and over.  I deny his accusations with a wail.  I tell him it is the power surging.  Again, he does not believe me.  I pinch his face with one hand and use my hold on his cheeks to turn his head towards the crappy cathode ray tube TV that sits on a low Goodwill-grade TV stand.  The TV is currently on.  He leans forward, extending one arm in front of him to press the "power" button.  Before his finger can bridge the gap, the TV shuts off.

#2 - Raging Raphael & my blond sweetheart

The scene is a dreary fall day somewhere in the Northeast.  A catacomb of single story buildings and well worn docks on an ocean or a bay of some sort is the backdrop.  The cast is my crew of friends: a pretty blond girl who looks out of place, a casual brunette girl, the 4 teenage mutant ninja turtles, and a few NPCs.

I am hanging out with my colorful assortment of friends, trying to convince them that the newcomer I brought with me, the blond, is alright and will be cool.  The truth is that I (or, rather, the character I play in this dream) am in love with both the brunette girl and the blond girl.

My roommate shows up on the dock nearest to our hoodrat-wharf-hangout.  He has tired eyes and is bound to a wheelchair.  I let him in on a secret, and disclose to him that I have supernatural abilities.  My roommate (much like in the previous dream) scoffs at me and does not believe my claims.  

To prove it to him, I practice levitating myself out of the nearby water while cradling my blond sweetheart. During my little magical stunt, the blond is Daryl Hannah circa 1984 and I have become very much like a mermaid.  With little other choice, the roommate acquiesces to belief in my claim of supernatural abilities.  

We're back in our hoodrat-wharf-hangout, everyone just lounging about.  There are people sitting on the floor, lounging on sofas that have stuffing sticking out of them, and draped around a metal twin bed with a mattress as thick as a spiral notebook.  With no warning, a huge explosion occurs.  I can't see anything, but feel that I'm laying on the floor now.  I call out to everyone by name to make sure everyone is okay.  The whole gang is scattered amidst the floor.  I get up to make sure everyone is alright, and see that the gang is all here.  They're scuffed up and injured, but nothing serious.

When I look over to the flimsy twin bed, however, my stomach drops.  That is where my blond girlfriend was.  The underneath of the bed was the originating point of the bomb that exploded.  She is gone.  I fall to my knees, crying, and find her satchel.  I search frantically through the contents with the feeling that I am looking for something that belonged to me.  When I draw out my hand, though, I am holding a half-eaten red apple with a supernaturally shiny skin.

Everyone is watching me now, and you can almost hear the gears turn and click as the whole gang starts to put the pieces together in their minds.  I take a bite of the ominous apple, and suddenly hear Raphael's (the red ninja turtle) voice in my head.  I realize then that he is not in the hoodrat-wharf.  I also realize that the apple is an ethereal communication device.  "Aha...." I think, my suspicions being confirmed.

The repercussions of the explosion were worse than I first assessed, though.  It somehow drove the gang's anthropomorphic bunny friend whimsically insane.  It also made Raphael aggressively insane.  I see him in a strange unit of the hospital with the other 3 turtles (who are unconscious in hospital beds).  Raphael is not in his bed.  Instead, he is bizarrely lodged in the floor from the waist down.  He cannot escape his illogical prison and is having a conniption fit.

#3 - Insane in the Brain

When I was in high school, the man that I now call my husband lived in a four room shack.  It was a formerly a garage converted into a rental.  It was a gross bachelor pad, and we call it (to this day) "the shack."

So in this dream, I am going to the shack to collect some of my belongings.  When I arrive there, I find that someone else has moved in.  I am beyond baffled.  This new renter seems to have also usurped our four cats (one of which is Gandalf, hubby's cat he had in high school).  He's keeping them in a box in the closet.  I am appalled at their living conditions and at this intruder's thievery.  I am scooping them up to rescue my poor little furbabies just as the renter/intruder comes home.

I freeze in sheer panic.  I'm caught.  Before the guy can even notice me, though, he is attacked by burly, rampaging men.  Sucks for him, but I escape with my kitties.

Cut scene to me at my house.  My home has 1 story and a basement.  The first floor is comprised of four rooms.  For some reason, a party is in full swing.  Chez, who I haven't seen in almost a decade, approaches me looking much like Edward Scissorhands from the neck down.  He has severely deformed, gray hands.  He propositions me and we head off to find a secluded area to get intimate.

We finally find an empty room, devoid of not only people but of any furnishings, as well.  Just then, Chez realizes that he is not sure how he can go through with it with is deformed hands.  I use part of a sound system (which very clearly came out of nowhere) to find a specific frequency.  When I find it, his hands start to vibrate ever so slightly.  I take his hands in mine and mold them like clay.

I've fixed his grotesque hands, but nothing more comes to fruition with Chez, as I find several giggling little girls in my walk-in closet, playing with my kittens.  I am livid.  I should note, however, that it is no longer four cats.  Instead, it is an overflowing mound of kittens.  Growing tired of the whole debacle, I give in.  I pick the girls in order of who has the best demeanor, and give them corresponding choosing order on picking out their kitten.  I let an adorable little Asian girl go first.  A rude little brunette girl butts in, and I give her a serious reprimanding.

Cut scene to a second-rate pet store with dirty floors and fluorescent lighting.  I am selling assorted pet accessories for ridiculously low prices from a shopping cart.  There is a long line of customers for my kitty treats and food bowls and pet brushes.  Whilst selling my stupidly cheap products, it dawns on me that I am not the shop owner.  I'm not even an employee.  I look around the store, and there isn't an employee or associate of any kind to be seen.  Just to be safe, though, I finish my last sale, pocket the case, and bolt.

I'm back at my house now, and I can hear a baby crying.  I can't believe that renter that took over hubby's shack would leave a baby boy home alone!  I find a baby crib minus the baby, hearing crying all the while.  

Cut scene to me, holding a crying baby that has been obviously neglected and is suffering from burn wounds.  It suddenly feels like a heavy fog has been lifted and I am lucid for the first time.  

I immediately panic, and run outside to rush the baby to the ER.  As soon as I reach the sunny front lawn, however, the baby erupts in flames.  I crumple into a hysterical, crying disaster as I put the cradled pile of ashes on the grass.Neighbors and paserbys are out on the street, staring.  I specifically notice two men, looking on calmly.  They are seated and talking to one another.  In the back of my mind I realize that they are out of place in this scene.  One of the men is verbally giving the other man my biography.

That is when the big reveal happens.  Ever seen Shutter Island?  The end, where everything is explained and you say "Ohhhhh," as all the pieces click?  That's when it happens to the "me" that is in this dream.

Suddenly, in my mind's eye, I see the raging party from earlier.  There was never anyone at my house.  Rather, I was fulfilling all of the roles.  Literally, there were clones of me, all around the house, assuming the roles of my fictional house guests.  One me doing a keg stand, another talking to a friend that was also me, another me dancing with several other me's, etc......

Then my mind jumps to the story of my boyfriend.  I have a boyfriend with the same ability.  The difference is, he manages to keep lucidity while cloning himself.  When he learns of my existence and my ability to clone, he actively pursues me.  

I see, like a movie reel in my brain, the moment when I realized our bond, telepathically.  He and I are having a conversation.  I think of a phrase to say, and I hear him complete it in my head.  I realize what he is, that he is like me, and I take off screaming.  I'm in an old white car, one me calmly driving the car, the screaming me in the back seat, freaking out.  My consciousness swaps back and forth between the two me's.  I end up crashing the car.  My boyfriend rushes to the wreckage, and carries me away.  I am pathetically limp and moaning.  A gay cowboy version clone of my boyfriend tries to deter him, but he dismisses the clone completely.

Cut scene to a large stone-tiled shower.  There are glass doors on the side of the shower that protrude from the wall.  I am standing underneath the streaming water when I hear someone else moving around in my house.  It is one of my clones, but I am unaware of this.  I pause, listening.  "Hello?" I call out.  There is no answer, so I resume my shower.

Cut scene to me, standing next to the shower, fully dressed and soaking wet.  "It could have been a...." I speculate as if I am speaking to someone.

Cut scene to a conversation with my boyfriend.  I am discussing my ability with him, and I tell him that I am sick.

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