Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Undead Chasm & Goop Invasion

Thurs night - October 3
 (I'm STILL catching up from being in New Orleans and being computerless

#1 - J.D. Chasm
I assume a third-person perspective and watch this dream like a movie.

Zach Braff has taken over the pilot's seat in a small passenger plane.  It's an emergency situation, and he has to land the jet safely, though he has no aeronautical training.  He nears the ground, but the plane plunges into a chasm so deep and dark that you can't see how far down it ends.

Cut scene to Zach standing at the edge of the chasm.  He survived the deathly crash somehow, but is racked with enormous guilt.  He let all those passengers perish.  He throws himself into the chasm to end his own life.  His body careens down the endless black interior of the chasm.  Halfway to his death, he stops falling.  He has not hit the ground and met his fate.  Instead, he is levitating in the darkness of the chasm.  Slowly, he begins to float back upwards, towards the surface.

He is confused as he floats upward, and even more confused when he looks down to see the plane's other passengers floating up behind him.

#2 - Goop Invasion

Yet another apocalypse scenario, this dream features Emma (actress Jennifer Morrison in "Once Upon a Time").  She is heading a task force to rid the world of a hive-mind goop monster.  Minute by minute, the goop invades the minds and bodies of more and more humans, and at this rate will end up taking over Earth.  Emma and her band of fighters are hunting for the big bad boss goop, slaying goop creatures left and right.

Meanwhile, the goop community experiments on forming a goop-human hybrid, keeping the human mind mostly in tact, but giving it a goop agenda.  This takes place in a small clinic of some sort.  The slender, balding clinic director oversees the proceedings, and is a hybrid himself. 

He begins to notice that the hybridization is not effective, as human emotion is overtaking the brain.  One couple in particular, though they look like they've been dipped in vats of hair gel, find that their lust cannot be contained.  They maul each other and make love in the hallway of the clinic.

A change takes place in the clinic director, as well.  His conscience wins out, and he begins to kill of the hybrids, as well as any other goop monsters.  When Emma and her team come blazing through the clinic, he helps them escape the overwhelming number of hybrids.  He fights the monsters off as Emma's team escapes to the parking lot.

The clinic director's car is a garrish purple color, looks like the Batmobile's goofy cousin, and runs on an atomic power source.  Emma hops in the driver's seat, while 3 of her team hop in the back after donning ridiculous helmets that are fashioned to look like animals.  Emma puts the petal to the metal and tries to get as far out of town as possible.  With the speed she's going, however, the car begins to overheat.  She ignores the smoke rolling out from under the hood.  It's late at night and they're now in the middle of nowhere.  Finally, the heat gets to be too much, and the front end of the car bursts into flames.

The four of them stand outside, in the middle of a field, watching the car burn.  A sneaky goop monster gets Emma, and panic ensues. When there is no effect, it has become clear that she is goop immune.  She falls down while battling more goop, and kills the monster goop spawn that was inside of her.  The accidental murder of the spawn is the downfall for the goop, and their reign of terror is over.

The epilogue dream is of Emma riding an elevator up from a subway platform.  She is jumpy and paranoid, looking over her shoulder at ever creak and sigh.  

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