Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Color Craze & Murphy

Sunday night - October 6th  (ok, ok, so I'm a little behind...)

I had another color-centric dream.  This one was very different from the last one, but it had the same feel to it.

#1 - Color Craze

The feel of this dream was like being in a state of the art virtual reality.  It felt like a game, but also like I was actually acting it out.  It was in a sandbox platform, 3rd person view, rolling and expansive like a GTA map.  Instead of shooting people and driving around as one would do in GTA, this game consisted of shooting things with a color gun.  When you shoot something with a color gun, it turns that color.  Some pieces of the map were individualized so that you could shoot a chair or a cat or a table, etc.  Other portions were area-defined, so an entire section (about 3 yards or so) would turn that color.  The point of the game is to color the map with your color, while your opponents do the same.  If you shoot over someone else’s color, that area is yours now.  Whoever has the most of their color on the map wins.  It’s like an in-depth version of Takeover.
GTA game

So you’ve got the game basics.  I’m running around shooting things and turning them my color.  I’m playing with hubby and some other person whose identity I can’t yet discern.  Hubby is definitely winning so far.

The map is so large, I don’t see my opponents except for once.  Hubby is chasing me on a long outdoor balcony like you see on the second floor of motels.  A group of 3 zombies are between him and me.  He shoots them with his color gun, and they pursue me.  I turn around and shoot them with my color gun, and then spin around to pursue hubby.  This goes back and forth for a while, but they are slowly gaining on me.

I give up on the zombie battle and hubby takes that win.  Back in the expanse of the map, I continue to color bus stops and parking lots until I find a sewer grate.  I bet there’s a ton of uncolored stuff down there that my opponents haven’t even thought about!  I lift up the sewer grate and drop down below the streets.

I realize once I’m down below that I’ve accidentally entered the final stage of the game.  I didn’t mean to go to the finale – there was so much more stuff to color!  Reluctantly, I enter a portal that will end my participation in the game.  I’ve been competing against hubby and a dummy-PC-bot (as it turns out), and hubby has very obviously won. 

Half-Life game POV
I trudge through the portal to leave the game… and end up in a different genre of the color game that stands completely separate from the GTA-style color game.  Instead, this is a Half Life style game.  I have a first-person limited view and am wandering in a maze of tan-colored industrial hallways.  I’ve never been a fan of FPS games, and random opponents approaching me from different sides is incredibly startling.  I find my color’s control base, a dimly lit area that is only slightly bigger than the tan hallways.  There are monitor screens and lighted buttons everywhere.  Entering the base has triggered a boss fight.  From somewhere out of sight, the boss keeps turning everything – the people, the screens, the lights – to red.  I color shoot them back to my color, but as soon as I do, he’s flipped them back to being red again.  It quickly becomes apparent that I am not skilled enough for this yet.

The game-style dreaming ends here.  The color shooting theme remains, however.  I find myself in a large store warehouse (like Sam’s Club or Costco).  Instead of having the warehouse divided into shopping sections, though, it is as if each department is a different bit of a different house.  Other parts of the warehouse look more like the jewelry and perfume counters in a department store.

In this hodge podge warehouse I meet my color mentor.  She teaches me all about color shooting, how to get the most stuff, and how to color things without a color gun.  She gives me my own color after the orientation.  I’m yellow.  I hate yellow.  I whine at her and tell her that I want to be pink.  I love pink.  Can I be pink?  She informs me that someone else already has pink.  There can’t be two. 

This is not the answer I want to hear.  Enraged, I begin a color feud with my mentor.  I angrily run around and turn everything that is her color into yellow.  It is mostly like a child throwing a tantrum, though, because she simply follows behind and fixes everything quite simply.

Later, I find myself in the warehouse with my parents.  I am teaching them how to harness colors, and use a machine to arbitrarily give them each a color.  Just as I had, they both start complaining and asking why they got the color they did.  My mother starts fiddling around with things and discovers that there is a little wheel you can turn on the side of your head.  Depending on where you place the notch, you can adjust your color.

The dream splinters off into yet another direction, and I am in a giant mansion.  It is gorgeous, with more square footage than any human being should be allowed to posses.  It is located, however, in the Matrix.  Nothing is real.  Not even me.  I flit about my gargantuan home turning everything to a shimmering gold color.

A dead sociopath of a girl comes back to life to wreak havoc on the house.  She starts plotting her revenge in a Matrix castle where she turns all of the people into mideval looking peasants.  She plans to murder my Matrix husband, as he used to be hers.

#2 - Nostalgia

I’m outside, but I can’t remember where.  I’m sorting through two large file cabinets and one square one, all of them at least 6 foot high.  Inside is memorabilia from my childhood that I haven’t seen in ages.  I find a tiny, glittery Little Mermaid hat, a little gypsy costume, school papers, toys, and other trinkets.

When I turn around, I’m on a hiking trail with a large group of people.  I’m a little girl, and I’m playing with Murphy, the dog I grew up with.  The people wander off further, but I don’t follow.  I pick up Murphy and we play in the snow.

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