Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Doom Loam

Mon night – October 7

I don’t remember much from this dream, but I’ll give it all I’ve got.

What I remember is that I’m at a house party.  It’s the kind of house party grown-ass people have with wine and cheese.  Not a kegger at some dirty bachelor pad.  Anyhow, the house is lavish and decked out with a sweet swimming pool in the courtyard.  My role, unfortunately, is not to party.  It is to babysit.

The kid my dream-mind chose for me to babysit is the most horrific, sociopathic child I’ve ever encountered.  I cared for her during my first teaching stint.  I love teaching, and I’m pretty good with kids, but this little girl was the definition of a nightmare.  We’ll call her Loam.

In this dream, I have the foreknowledge that Loam, though her age is not yet even in the double digits, has murdered people.  I’m doing my best to entertain her and corrall her.  I encounter her mother, Kaam, once or twice, and the woman is white-girl wasted.

The end.  I guess you could consider that more of a nightmare.  I suspect my mind didn’t WANT to remember it.

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