Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ergonomics & Emergencies

Tuesday night - October 8

#1 Ergonomic Disaster

I'm at work, minding my own business as usual.  I get up and leave my desk to go do something.  When I return, my modest little office is stuffed with middle aged women with graying hair and bad clothing choices.  They're all fiddling with things and talking amongst themselves.  I am extremely confused, I have no idea what is happening here, and I don't know how I'm supposed to get my work done.  It becomes clear that they are a hodge podge ergonomics team, even though they look more like a knitting circle.  

Frustrated with the invasion of my office, I head towards the kitchen area.  Once there, I run into Chon.  Chon is my real-life first long-term boyfriend from 9th grade.  He starts telling me all about how he and his family just opened up a new development across the street.  He seems to think taking me to the new restaurant will lift my spirits, so he hands me a pair of roller skates as a means of transportation.  He skates along while I mostly hold onto his sleeve and attempt to not fall over.

We skate on inside the restaurant where there is a line in the undecorated, navy-blue concrette lobb just to get in.  We zig zag through the white concrete line barries (like the ones you'd see at an amusement park) to take our place in line.  That's when I see hubby.  I'm overjoyed that I've run into him, as I much prefer his company to Chon's.  I skate over and lean in for a hug but he backs away.  He is pissed at me for being here with Chon.  He turns a shoulder and refuses to talk with me any further.

In spite of Chon's intentions, my spirit is even more deflated.  I return to my workplace, but the clock inside says that it is already 4 pm.  

#2 Not an Emergency

The beginning of this dream is one of the ones that feels super real.  The realistic feeling dissipates when the action starts, though.  Dreaming that I'm in my bed where my physical body actually is.... it's just so disorienting....

So I'm laying in bed, asleep.  The room is filled with early morning light.  It can't be past 7 am.  Our doorbell rings.  I hear it, but choose to ignore it and continue sleeping.  The ring is followed by several knocks on the door.  I don't move.  I can hear the person start their car, which begins to pour out some radio tunes, and back out of the driveway.

Rather than leaving, the driver aims his vehicle straight for the front of my house.  He crashed through my bedroom wall, flipping his dark teal sedan and lodging it in the ceiling and the far wall.  I get up to check on the driver, irrationally unconcerned with the damage to my home.  Hubby doesn't even wake up.

I examine the semi-conscious, upside down man through his open car window.  He is slender and balding, with no remarkable features.  The side of his head and neck are covered in blood, and he is moaning.  "You're going to be okay!" I lie at him.  I rush to my bedside table to retrieve my phone, and dial 911.

The sassy 911 operator stays irritatingly calm and informs me that my situation is not an emergency.
"What?!" I yelp at her.
"Is he dead?"
"No, but he will be if he doesn't get help..." I try to say quietly so the man doesn't overhear.
"Then it is not an emergency."
"So he has to bed dead in order for it to be any emergency!?"

Outraged, I hang up on the lady.  I look at my phone and see that I accidentally dialed 903 rather than 911.

I rush over to Best Buy, which for some reason is extremely close to my house.  I burst in and insist, to the two clerks behind the customer service counter, that I need to use their phone for an emergency.  They smirk and sneer and continue to wait on their current customers.  I stare at them in disbelief.  A man to my left offers me his phone.  He is dressed in a crisp white button-up with black slacks and a tie.  

I take his Blackberry from him and begin to dial 911.  The buttons are so small that I can't manage to press the right ones.
"Just press and hold down 1," he tells me.  The "1" key is different from all of the other keys.  It is bright red instead of black.  I do as he instructs, but nothing happens.  He attempts to explain further as I try again and again to no avail.

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