Sunday, January 15, 2017

Candy Hearts


It looked to me like a very wide hallway at an upscale mall - tan tile flooring, floor to ceiling windows comprising one wall, and all of it shiny clean.  There was music piping in over a speaker system and a few people milling around, including a comical fellow on a small unicycle.  I'm there with my mother.

This particular place isn't a mall hallway, but rather a store.  Display cases are lined up in the shape of an oval with a hollow center.  They're the kind where only the top part is glass and the bottom is for storage.  Each houses a different type of sweet treat that are twists of old favorites.  I'm asking my mother to read the label signs to me, pointing at what looks like a giant peanut butter ball covered with a layer of chocolate.  She's giving me grief about eating such horrible things.  I tell her that I'd much rather eat popcorn as a giant popcorn cart rolls by, being pushed by a Zach Galafanakis character.

Next I'm standing alone and have realized that I have a missed call on my phone.  The caller ID shows a number and area code that I don't recognize, and the contact name as "❤️." I'm listening to the associated voicemail and recognize the voice instantly as Jett.  That's when I realize that she, somehow, must have changed her name in my phone to a heart emoji.  The voicemil says that she will be in St. Louis shortly and can't wait to see "the little man," referencing my almost 6 month old son.  I haven't invited her and have no idea where she got the idea that this would be ok.

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